Monday, November 17, 2008

A Dream Of A Cream ....


This moisturizer is very good for dry skin. It’s especially effective in winters. Learned to make it from my mother-in-law. Hubby absolutely loves it. Keeps it in office too.

Few of his colleagues tried it and found it so good that they kept helping themselves from his stock. So last year I made an extra bottle for them.

As winters are beginning here, this Sunday we made this cream again and he has taken a bottle to office today…


Raw/unprocessed wax - 100 gms

Olive oil - 200 ml

Mustard oil - 200 ml

Aloe vera leaves - 200 gms

any fragrant oil of your choice - for fragrance


  • Remove skin from aloe vera leaves. Chop the fleshy inner parts in to small pieces.
  • Pour both the oils in a deep bottomed pan and warm them.
  • Now add the wax and chopped aloe vera leaves. Partially cover the pan. The mixture will start to splutter and boil. If the foam starts to come up stir in between.
  • Let it simmer for 2 minutes. Then switch off gas. Allow to cool a little. Then strain with a muslin cloth and store in a bottle.


  1. Hey thanks for stopping by my blog! And good for you for sleeping in! Now that To-Do list for the hubby reminded me that I need to make one! =)

  2. I'd love to try this! Its oh so dry here in Wyoming. Does it smell like mustard? Would I be able to add a sweet smelling oil to customize how mine smells?

    Thanks for the info!!

  3. yes the smell of mustard is there...
    actually i forgot to add a sweet smelling oil,but i have updated my ingredients.
    thanx for stopping by my blog ....
    hope you will like the cream .

  4. Love the idea of a homemade cream!!Now lemme go in search of those leaves...


  5. Hey where do you get raw/unprocessed wax? I think if we could do it with beeswax it would smell very nice and not need any perfumed oil. Lovely information
