It is the 4th day after the shocking incidents that took place in Mumbai. Audacious killers , hotels under siege , hundreds of hostages , gun battles in the heart of the city.
Some may call it India's 9/11 but it seems to be more than that.
Since 26th night I have sat glued to the TV. I just kept swapping channels to keep up with the latest reports.
This time i must say that the media has behaved very responsibly. Apart from a few unbelievable reports,they had managed to control their urge to sensationalize the volatile events and follow the requests made by the NSG and the police,not to give current information on their live telecast , of the activities of commandos , which have helped the terrorists in their plan of action.
I salute to the heroes and my heart goes out to all those people who have lost their near and dear ones in the recent terror attacks. May god give them the strength to accept their losses and carry on with their lives.
Today everyone is saluting to the "NEVER SAY DIE " attitude of the Mumbaikars. But my question to such people is - how long can you continue with this spirit ?
ENOUGH IS ENOUGH... its time that we get together and ask our so called leaders of the nation,to wake up. We have had enough of the blame games.
After every such incident a few things always take place.......
- All the ministers of the state and country including the cm ,pm, def minister,home minister etc.
- will strongly condemn the act
- The opposition will blame the ruling party, who in turn will blame neighboring country.
- The media will criticize the politicians for their statements,the police, for their inaction and the failure of the intelligence agencies.
- The intelligence agencies will claim that they were aware of some activities before hand but did not have the clearance, authority or the manpower to take any action.
- The general public will blame the authorities,politicians,police etc for their slow reaction.
But at the end of the day who is losing out every time......
it is the common man...
it is his loss every time and he is still expected to carry on with his life and be prepared to lose everything in the next attack.
In return he is given compensation ,and the promise of a job ,which are hardly ever properly fulfilled. ....isn't it high time to start looking for concrete measures .
As a layman I can think of a few steps to be taken...
- Decentralize the STF - let it be situated in at least all the metros.Large and high speed aircraft should be made available to them.
- their response time in case of an emergency should not be more than 2 hours.
- VIP security is provided to all ministers .What about the safety of the general public ?
- Tightening of security - air ,water and land.
- For this adequate amount of high tech equipments and more manpower should be provided.
- is required.
- Coastal police does not have adequate resources and manpower to guard the coastal areas.
- More awareness among the general public is required.you cannot afford to think that such a thing will never happen to me.
- This time its your neighbor next time it could be you...

I hope this time we are able to rise from our stupor and do not let divisive forces weaken. It is time to stop differentiating on the basis of caste, region and religion and face these terrorists as one strong unified nation.